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  • Writer's picturefatimamholland

Whimsical Gnome painted stones

I love painting on stones ! ❤️

Especially these adorable Gnomes!

I just completed serval of them ! 😀

I love these stones I usually get them from Amazon they are nice and smooth and a fairly good size perfect for painting!

Supplies you need....

• These stones or something similar

• Acrylic paint

• Glitter

• Sealer


I sketched my guide lines on the stone .

I usually like painting serval of these at a time!

I chose Red and Turquoise for my colors and white for my legs.

I then painted their shoes ... some Red and the other Black ....

I then painted the stripes on their legs.

When everything is dry I love to trace everything with this Pen ....

Then I use my liner brush and paint thier beard with White paint.


They are looking pretty cute!

I took my pen again and I added some lines here and there on his beard..... It just gives it a little demention !

Then I took my stylus and added some dots on thier hats and a couple on thier shoes!

You can use a tooth pick for the small dots, also the back of a paint brush...

here's the link to the stylus if you decide you want some ...


I then added a larger dot for the nose .. I used a cream color paint, mine was called Buttermilk.

Any ivory color will work...

Once every was dry I went ahead and brushed a little sealer just on the beard area and sprinkled some glitter....

Here's the sealer I love to use!


Then I go ahead and put a coat or two of the sealer on the rest of the stone .... I do it on the front and back of the stone!

That's it there you have it these are super cute and fun to create !

I hope you enjoy making these !

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