I always see these beautiful Moss Rabbits and have always wanted one but just could never justify paying the price I would see on them !
Even though I was tempted serval times I would think I can do that !
So finally this time I did !
I love how mine came out and it is perfect to enjoy all Spring and Summer long honestly you can leave this adorable bunny out all year long!
Here is the Suppies I used!
• Bunny form I picked mine up at Family Dollar they came in a pair $1.25 for the set.
• Hot glue you can use Spray Adhesive too but I felt Hot glue holds better
• Moss I used I bag
• Ribbon / embellishments of your choice
• Material for roses
• Green spray paint
• Candle stick stand I usually pick them up at Family Dollar or resale shops and antique shops

This is the moss I used...
I love how it isn't as messy as the other kinds I have used !
I also love that shade of green!

I also love this shade of green too!
I had it leftover from another project so I thought it was perfect for this one too!
You can use any green you like !

I wanted to spray them a green shade to help blend everything together.
It made it easier to cover them with the moss and you didn't see the yellow popping through.

I sprayed both of them and let them dry over night.

Once my rabbit was dried I got my moss and plugged in my glue gun and was ready to create this cutie!

I decided to start gluing my moss on the ear first and work my way down .
You can start where ever you like . That just worked for me .

I worked in small sections at a time .

I made sure to use plenty of hot glue to hold the moss on .

I made sure my rabbit was covered completely with the moss .

I tied a piece of cheese cloth around her neck with a simple bow .

This is the part of the sock decided to use.
You don't need a lot of material to make these .
You can also cut up an old sweater

I just cut a strip of the top part of the sock .

Make your rose as big as you like.
Start coiling it around add a touch of glue here and there as you roll it up .

I always glue the end of the material strip down.
Always be careful not to burn yourself!
I recommend finger protectors even though I sometimes don't wear them but they do help!

I just love how these Roses came out !
You don't need to purchase flowers especially when you can easily make your own!

Look at those beautiful roses! All from a small piece of a coffee dyed white sock!

Well here is the Moss Rabbit she is beautiful and very budget friendly!
I just love it !
I uses a candle stick stand I had to set her on!
She deserves the best ! 😀
I hope you give this Whimsical Moss Rabbit a try!
Please make sure you are following us on Facebook for daily inspiration and crafting ideas!
Happy creating!
Here are some links to some items I used!
Finger protectors